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The average American is falling behind financially


Among working Americans:

57% are stressed about their finances.¹
68% do not have a trusted financial advisor.²
40% say good financial advice costs more than they can afford.²
48% say it is hard to know which financial advice can be trusted.³
64% are expected to retire with less than $10,000 in their retirement savings accounts.°
63% would struggle to come up with $500 for an unexpected expense.ⁿ


The following survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers illustrates the severity of financial stress in America:

Which of the following causes you the MOST stress?

*PwC 2017 Employee Financial Wellness Survey

why is this important to an employer?

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¹ PwC 2017 Employee Financial Wellness Survey
² Northwestern Mutual Planning & Progress Study 2016
³ TIAA-CREF survey via KRC Research 2013
° 2019 Retirement Study,

ⁿ 2016 Survey